The only advice I can give to anyone is to NEVER, EVER buy a bird as a pet. They are a flock animal and should never be put in a cage. As much as we love our bird it was a horrible mistake. One that I will feel guilty about the rest of her life. Omar's is completely irresponsible in the sale of these highly intelligent and sensitive creatures. They will not tell you anything negative about owning a bird until after the sale. Many breeds will start to pick, scream or bite because of frustration and just plain lack of interaction, proper diet and misinformation. Our breed has been so complicated to feed that it's taken 2 years, 5 vets and over $6000 dollars to finally get him on somewhat of a proper diet and we thought we had done the research prior to purchasing this bird! Almost every bit of information out there on the Internet is incorrect so you have no immediate outlet to fix serious issues that they will more than likely develop no matter what you do. You could do EVERYTHING right and they will still be bored, sad and lonely. Owning a bird has been the most heartbreaking experience of my life and that's saying something. I only hope Omar will chose to change his policy of educating people after the sale and do this before, but the obvious is that he would never sell any birds if people really knew what they were getting into. Never.....