Good: The breadsticks are delicious, but they are stingy with them and slow with refills for the table. I was glad that the pasta was eggless, about which I had inquired. Also glad that they ask if you would like cheese on your food, but the whole table-side parmesan grinding thing was a terrible mess. At least our server was sloppy.. Bad: Terrible, unprofessional, and insincere service. Menus dirty and torn. Trash on floor, Dirty dishes piled everywhere. Server not in appropriate required uniform-no name tag showing where readable. Bad attitude. Rushed-boxes came before we were done. Had to ask for check and look for her to pay. Didn't take our coupon off & that was the EXPRESS reason why we chose to eat at this place. Check was thrown on the table facing up with no book. Mediocre Capellini Pomodoro. Should've ordered minestrone. Improvements: Better attention paid to servers, their attire, and service. If servers refuse to comply, hire better quality staff. Give customers your undivided attention when they call to speak to you, the manager. The Cappelini Pomodoro came in a red sauce & didn't fit the description. It was okay, but bland. Not much for $10.75. I could have made something MUCH better myself at home.. Other: I also reviewed this place on another site if you would like to read more details. I didn't have enough room to do so here. I think I am just about completely finished with chain restaurants. They almost always disappoint these days, it seems..