Oakland Christian is my 'Beulah Land'. I long to fellowship again with my beautiful pastors Dominic and Amira! Our family was so blessed to be part of this beautiful local body!
I grew so much under the teaching and 'mothering' from Amira...God utilized my pastors to save my husband's life. It's a long story, in regards to periodontal disease. The disease was moving into his chest. The pastor went with my husband to the dentist, to get a second opinion from Dr. Timothy Mayer. We are so grateful to them as they prayed fervently over my husband and our family. They collected a love offering on our behalf...God utilized so many...in short, the whole procedure was paid for on my husband's behalf. I cry just thinking of how our God was revealed so beautifully through this beautiful local body! I have never met such exceptional pastors who are filled with the love of God in such a beautiful, powerful way! They love God's children....I'm proof of that! I thank God for the many vessels involved in saving my husband's life and I thank God for Jesus Christ revealed by the Holy Spirit who rescued us from ourselves!
I no longer live in Michigan; however, hopefully one day, when I do return, I thank the Lord in advance for this local body!
Pros: Revealing the Love of God