No offense to the high raters, but OCB is just plain wrong. It represents all that is bad in food consumption in America.
Whenever my parents or in-laws are in town, we have to go to this place. I've had to make the trek to this place several times, and each time there was a significant line of people. Oddly enough, it looked like other locals with their parents and/or in-laws from out of town.
We're packed into a place that seats something like 250 people at one time. We proceed like cattle to the food, where we have our pick of everything under the sun. You can *always* get what you need at the salad bar, because the line forms by the good stuff -- fried chicken, fried biscuits, fried steak, fried potatoes, and probably fried fries. You have to be aggressive in your food acquisition; politeness is a sign of weakness. If not, you'll know how the smallest piglet feels trying to feed from the momma sow.
After you roll through two plates of whatever, you toss them aside for the rotating staff to pick up, and you stroll back to get either (a) another plate, or (b) a plate full of dessert. In either case, by the time you get done, you're so full that you're sore. To make matters worse, your parents probably paid for dinner, but then you have to deal with the "get your money's worth" guilt they dish out.
I will give OCB credit, though. They fill the place up, and their sneeze guards seem to be made of real glass. Pretty classy, eh?