After years of tring to convince the family to eat out for Thanksgiving dinner at the Old barn in Burbank we were all at a loss of words after this experience. Dinner was more like a lunch room in some sort of public institution. The dinner hall lighting was too bright. The plate setting and flatware were dirty with food residual of the prior persons dinner,i think it was mashed potatoes to be exact. It wasn't only one setting it was all of them.They even had food on the bottom of them. When brought to the attention of the waitress she did't show a bit of concrn and brought out new settings. It was appearent the satff was bothered by the request. The turkey was dry and sides tasted as if they were simmering all day.
Pros: you can eat if it was the last place to eat on the south side
Cons: Don't count on a good value or clean plates.