I don't know what the guy with the "quickest review in town" was thinking, since I and anyone writing a meaningful review usually base my review of the best sushi bar in this town on the price of their soft drinks and not on anything even remotely related to the FOOD, service, atmosphere, attitude, authenticity, experience, etc. The last thing I base a review on is price. By the way, I've been to the Evergreen Buffet, and I actually have sat through 2 unforgivable meals there. Talk about 3 types of not-actually-pre-packaged (but tastes like it is) sushi and a buffet of corn syrup-glazed starch and vegetables which were, minutes before, frozen.
If I were worried about the price of a can of soda, which is unhealthy to begin with, I would go to the nearest gas station and get in line with some other impoverished individuals and buy the $0.50 can of soda and sit outside on the curb and drink my soda out of the can and without ice beside people smoking cigarettes. I don't know about some people, but I would much rather go into a fine restaurant and pay $1.25 more to sit down, relax, enjoy an appetizer and have a quick conversation with a waitress, and then indulge on some of the best sushi I can buy for 100 miles and leave satisfied. Got it?