I am very familiar with the case of: citation:111994276 ,by parking enforcement officer:9403. Recently the victim or defendant was lied to by a clerk that works at: Ocean Side Parking Enforcement. For the obvious reasons: ( Silence of an entity based on time of discovery ) California Government Codes:911.23 and 911.64. By lying and deceiving to her .The motive and intent is obvious. This is to charge her : Hidden fees and penalties. She was encouraged to go back and ask for this in writing. They mysteriously found the citation: 111994276. If a person does not pay the citation at a certain time. Then the defendant is threatened with penalty fees. Isn't this : ( A crime against public policy )? Called : Extortion ???? See if : Parking Enforcement really cared about the residents to have streets debris free, so the city street sweepers could sweep, they would place the posted sign in a conspicuous location. Such as ; In front of every ; Entrance and exit of each residential street. The size would be:( 17x24 inches ). The font would be in red. The back ground would a white reflective back ground. The border would have : Pink and red roses with lime and dark green leaves. They are liable for violating: habeas corpus and the ; 8th Amendment .Los Angeles is pending a class action . By two lawyers. This is: Parking enforcement. Those that may have committed a crime ,yet not guilty of the crime. California Penal Code:26. California Labor Code:2924 ,reads : For an act to be an act.it must be proven that the act was ,willful deliberate and intentional, with motive and intent. Ocean Side Parking Enforcement ,should do the right thing: Dismiss the citation: 111994276. They are liable.