I was thinking I should change Gyn's SO many times w/this office, until one final day (I'll get to that - please read for your own safety!). Up until then - this is a sample of my experiences: Once they called w/my test results & said ""And your mammogram was fine too!"" - & I said ""I didn't HAVE a mammogram done!?!"" - to which they replied ""Oops! Sorry - wrong patient!"" Another time I was supposed to get my thyroid checked. I was getting other stuff done & had to fast, so they sent me home w/the paper to bring to the lab w/stuff checked off to test. Since my sister has a thyroid prob, I knew what should've been checked. I got home & called & asked nurse why it wasn't checked & she said ""oops, I guess I forgot to check it off - could you check it off for me?"" Then I wasn't surprised when another time they were supposed to check my liver function, & next time I saw Dr. Oh he said ""we should check for your liver function too"" & I said ""but you did last time & I was told all the bloodwork was fine"" - then he stammered & said ""I don't know what happened, I ordered it but they didn't do it"" FINALLY - the entire time I kept suggesting I could have PCOS because I had all the symptoms. He insisted I didn't. I went in one day in INTENSE pain (doubled over) & he insisted I had endometriosis, & they'd need to do a laparoscopy to confirm. He then told me (while in pain) to go to front desk & they'd schedule me for one in about a MONTH!! I freaked out and he asked ""what, do you want some pain killers or something?"" And I told him I wanted him to get to the bottom of my pain! I stormed out and drove myself to the Syracuse ER, where they found I had an ovarian cyst the size of an orange causing the pain. I was hospitalized a week later because of the pain. I found a new doctor who IMMEDIATELY figured out I had PCOS and confirmed it w/tests. Dr. Oh is currently being investigated by my insurance company for quality of care issues because he put my health in jeopardy.
Cons: Put my health in danger - completely incompetent doctor and staff - WORST EVER!