I can't recommend this clinic or it's staff. My four pregnancies have all, sadly, ended in miscarraige. The last pregnancy I had to fight the staff to get an appointment in a reasonable period of time, fight the staff again when I knew something was wrong so that I could be seen, fight the staff again to obtain results of my lab results. I still don't know what I was tested for since nobody has told me what they were testing and I had to call in to find out over the phone from some random nurse that my last pregnancy was from a chromosomal abnormality. I've got the distinct impression that the physician does not want to see me again and my husband and I feel like she doesn't want anything to do with us cause my pregancy's aren't easy for her to treat. She's already seemed to make a decision as to why I've had multiple miscarraiges even though she hasn't tested for those things (although I can't be confident as I'm not being told what I'm being tested for.) The other physicians within t