Goodness, the previous review seems a bit over the top. Something to keep in mind when choosing a private school option is that, indeed, not all students fit the mission of the school, which is to provide a strong academic background for a student intent on pursuing higher education. Along with that, Oak Hill provides a rich artistic and PE curriculum, so that it truly allows a child to develop along all the lines which lead towards productive adulthood. The previous reviewer seems to have some sour grapes to express which make me wonder if their view is skewed by, perhaps, having a child who was not able to function effectively in a rich and varied environment. A school cannot be everything to everyone, and I have to disagree with the statements about the headmaster, who is a lovely, hard working and dedicated professional, and with the comments about the board, who give generously of their time and talent to grow this community. When I enrolled my children, ten years ago, we had hal