I purchaced a 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 from Dodge Motor in Oak Harbor In March 2010. I ask the salesmans has the car been in any accidents and he replied no and we are selling the truck on cosignment for someone. They clearly stated that the truck has not been in any accidents. A few weeks ago someone backed into my truck. I called the insurance company to come out . The adjuster told me that the truck had been in a previous accident. I argue with them that it wasn't. The dealership told that it wasn't. The adjuster went to the dealership and ask for information on the truck and low and behold the truck had been in an accident. Now, my insurance company will not cover the damage because the previous damage wasn't reported to them. I live in Oak Harbor and all I see is signs that say keep your money in Oak Harbor, shop in Oak Harbor. When you have people like this that is taking advantage of people to make a buck makes me sad and in the same sentence pissess my off. I will no longer do business with this company. I will pursue legal action against them for failure to disclose information about the truck. Since I found out the truck was in a wreck other things that's wrong with the truck is starting to make sense. If you can't trust your neighbors who can you trust?