The greediest people I know of in the City of Rockport, Employee turnover so much that you never know who works their or not. a magnet for drugs. I once called 911, gave them the address and the dispatcher radioed out that ""it was the oak harbor apartments"". They take there time doing any kinda of repairs and if your not Section 8 it will not get fixed. (section 8 has the authority to stop paying rent and allow the tenant to move) They even had the audacity to charge a elderly lady, in a wheel chair $10 for using a garden hose. She didn't pay and moved. The manager that was there quit because of the owners practices. The new manager even tried to obtain prescription pain pills from a disabled lady on more than one occasion and wasn't even concerned with my presence. I would'nt house an animal there. Warning Yellow paint and a pool do not make a nice place to live. they will find fees and charges that are just within the law (maybe) until the tenant faces eviction. Then send them to a local assistance agency to get the money to avoid the eviction, or have a tenant attempt to work off the past due fees and rent. Oh yes I have a letter explaining that they are a private business and that entities them to operate as they see fit. I have lived in Rockport slightly over 15 months and 90% of the people I have meet here know of Oak Harbor Apartments, none of the comments or stories are positive....They are not representative of this community. PS they also operate another complex here in Rockport and in Sinton. look elsewhere!