Whether it's new construction or service, a "Detailed Dig, or Large Excavation" - I've done it! I'm Tony Da Costa - Excavator for concrete & masonry footings, all underground utilities - water, sewer, storm drain, TV, gas, electric, vaults, septic tanks - whatever you have! If needed I will gladly help you "Lay Out" your dig and plan out the quickest way to finish your excavation.
At no extra charge I bring top of the line Topcon construction grade equipment to accurately measure elevations to the hundredth's of a foot. Able to read dual slopes to a range of 500 meters.
I also come to each and every job equipped with 6 diggin buckets 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, and 48". Plus an 18" wide American Compaction wheel. I am the proud inventor of U.S. Patent #7,438,494 a "Wain Roy" reverse coupling tool. This allows me to reverse a bucket quickly on the back hoe!