Here is situation.
I 've just bought a brandnew battery to replace my old battery, which does not hold charge as I desire. I installed the new one right in front of the store, but as I tried to start my engine, my engine did not response even a single click of the starter. I came in the store and explained to one of the employee the situation. Without thinking a checking the battery, he said that "there is something wrong with your car! " I replied "if something is wrong with my car how could I started my engine without a jumpstart and drove it here." He persisted to tell me that my car has something wrong. I brought the battery to the store' s supervisor, but he said that "because you already installed the battery so I am not responsible for it any more. When you bought it, it is your." Since then he ignored me as a customer after throwing in my face that " if you want, you can come back tomorrow and see the store manager. He is going to tell you the same thing." I could not believe t