I was told I needed a new computer for my car. I went to Murray's and they told me it needed to be orderd and it would take 3 days to get and that they would price match the quote I got from Auto Zone. Since they would be 2 days quicker than Auto Zone I ordered the part from Murray's. After 4 days I called and the part still was not in. I called again on Wednesday and they said the truck broke down and it would be in tomorrow, thursday. I started to panic since I neede the part in my car before friday so I could drive 3 hours on Saturday to take my son to school. I called the headquarters in Michigan and they sent another out by priorityand offered me a 20% discount on the part for the wait. Needless to say when the part came in on Sunday it was too late. I had to rent a car at great expense in order to get my son to school on time. The rental was $180 and I felt Murray's ahould have split this cost with me at a minimum but my calls went unanswered. When I did finally go to get the par