I've been here twice. The first time, I was told that my van's transmission was in need of repair (and more information about how transmissions work than I will ever remember). It needed several other repairs, and they were willing to work within my available budget to do the most urgent repairs. Because of the age and condition of the vehicle, we decided not to do the repairs, and they were proved right when the transmission failed several months later. Once we replaced that vehicle, I was surprised to find that the newer van felt like it had some transmission issues, as well. I brought it in to be sure. They test drove it and looked for the issues that I had described. I have a warranty, so I was ready to go ahead with repairs. However, they said that my transmission was working fine, told me that some of the things I was experiencing were normal for this particular vehicle's transmission, and that the road conditions, combined with tired that needed to be replaced, were likely responsible for some of the other issues. I would recommend that anyone who has issues with their transmission come to O'Neils. They are honest and competent.