O'Brien Taxidermy features state, national and international award-winning taxidermy services. Located in Forest Lake, Minn., O'Brien Taxidermy is owned and operated by Dean O'Brien. Dean O'Brien has more than over 20 years of experience in the taxidermy field. Visit his showroom and see numerous mounts from around the world. His specialties include:• Life-size mammals• Game heads• Fish• BirdsWhat sets O'Brien's apart? Mr. O'Brien has raised white tail deer for 10 years and so can use them as live references when completing your taxidermy project. He has also raised ducks, geese and pheasants. By understanding the anatomy and movements of animals, O'Brien Taxidermy Studio can exceed your expectations. Call O'Brien Taxidermy Studio today! When results matter and you want it right the first time, come to us!