I have been to Dr Dodi Nov's office four times since December 2009. Other than a good first impression and him nicely dressed, everything started to fall apart. Dr Nov does not explain, inform, nor educate his patients about procedures, cause nor prevention, and he is always too busy to listen to his patients' needs and concerns. Instead of taking care of 4 teeth I had been having pain and complained about, Dr Nov insisted on treating other 6 tiny cavities that he thought was higher priority- for a quick and simple treatment as well as easy money. I had even called into his office one week prior to my appointment to change treatment to my 4 teeth in pain but when I went to his office, he would not budge on his plan to fix my other cavities and claimed "YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME."
Dr Nov does not put his patient's best interest first, or else he would have urgently treated my pain while I was lying there in his office. Dr Nov's practice is not ethical. He didn't even bother to take x-rays or a second to look my immediate issues.
There are a lot of good dentists out there who are truly compassionate, caring, skillful, and ethical. Make sure you find a dentist who acts in your best interests, not just their wallet!