The heavy-duty galvanized-steel structure provides
protection against everything from UV rays and
interior heat damage due to dirt, pitch,falling trees
or branches, harsh weather and other harmful
effects. A NORTHWEST SHELTER stops UV damage
to your RV's exterior paint and finish, and also
prevents heat build-up from damaging the interior.
The shelters are constructed of heavy-duty tubular
galvanized steel with 26-gauge galvanized steel
roofing that reflects heat, keeping the air beneath
amazingly cool. Unlike tarps or other flimsy
structures that blow over, NORTHWEST SHELTERS
are built to last.
The standard NORTHWEST SHELTER comes with the
steel tubular supports spaced five feet apart and 6
inches of overhang on each end. This allows you to
“custom fit” the shelter to your needs and space
available. 12 foot and 20 foots widths are standard,
while anything from 8 feet up to the standard 20
foot widths are also available. By protecting your RV
with a NORTHWEST SHELTER, you'll get more back
on your investment when you trade or sell.
The covering protects everything from interior and
exterior components to tires and wiper blades, and it
will help avoid those dreaded rust problems and repairs.
You'll also save money on storage away from home,
and enjoy the convenience of having the RV on
your property,easily accessible when preparing for
trips or overnight guests. The shelters are totally
portable, so they can be taken with you should you
move. They can be moved intact or disassembled
and easily reassembled for long-distance moves.
The shelter also has good resale value.
Maintenance is minimal just wash it off with a hose
to keep it clean. NORTHWEST SHELTERS are easy to
install-most people do it themselves, and the price
includes delivery.. RV Storage
CAR Storage
Car Port
BOAT Storage
FARM equipment storage