As alot of doctors offices do now --NW podiartry contracts with an insurance provider as a medical provider. Careful this does not mean that they will comunicate with your insurance provider to find out if the services you are there for -are a covered service. They will have you sign a form saying ""I am requesting orthoticsthis date. I have either not yet verified with my insurance company that these are a covered benefit or I have been told verbally by my insurance company that they are covered with the standard disclaimer that benefits are not gauranteed until the claim has been recieved and I fully understand that if they are not coverd by my insurance company that I am financially responsible for these charges and I choose to go ahead with this procedure."" SO BE FOR WARNED -THEY ARE NOT LOOKING OUT FOR YOUR BEST INTEREST!!!!!!\r
Also note they have very poor billing practices as I have recieved a bill nearly 3 years after services ! Carful they dont sell you a surgery you dont need\r