My kids don't go here. I heard not great things about it, but the Wedgwood branch is so close I checked it out. Spoke to their teachers at the school on two different visits. I didn't like what I saw. They care more about the precision of their philosophy then about being responsive and adaptive to the kids. For example, I asked teacher Kate what the biggest challenge was, thinking she might say having a hyper boy in the class, or, cold and flu season, or getting new kids over seperation anxiety... etc. No , teacher Kate said the biggest problem were the parents.
Not a huggy bunch of people. Not from what I saw.
It is strange - they are so into fostering independence in a child, and letting the child feel in control and free to choose, yet, if the child chooses a toy that she 'hasn't had a lesson on', they are not allowed to play with it. So much for independence. More like you can do what you want to do so long as it is what I want you to do. Rather like a well trained penal colony.
The Wedgwood branch was clean and tidy and organized with lots of toys and an outdoor space.