the northhampton ma police abused me.they abused me by neglecting me my due process of law.a now ex-friend of mine was jilted by me.she was homeless and a crckhead,i tried to help by giving her a place to stay with the condition there would be no crck smoking in my apartment,no crck period.she wasnt allowed in if high on crck,and i didnt even want her answerting the phone if it was one of her crckhead friends.she helped me too,with rides and by the occassional monetary loan.long story short,she began to lie,lie about absolutely everything,her crck smoking also got worse and worse.i kicked her out.i kicked her out because i began to feel dirty,guilty,and just plain wrong when around her.i was beginning to hate myself, she had to go.for three weeks after she couldnt accept the fact she was allowed over no more.finally, she found out i was sexually active with another friend.this angered her because she was in love with me,but i never returned her love,now she couldnt avoid facing the fact i never would love her.she called me one night and began an arguement,i lost my temper and told her i was not going to pay her the money i owed her,the amount being in dispute anyway.angered and jilted by the fact i had slept with someone else,and had also refused to pay her back,she filed a police report against me the very next day.she created some very horrible fantasies to tell the police,and had absolutely NO physical proof of any of her allegations-maybe because they were'nt true-and her first words were:""he is not currently abusive""and""he owes me $1250.00"".they did no investigating,not even talking to me.the next day they got a warrent.two days later,with me completely unaware of anything,they broke down my door,and abused me not only by the unnecessary,unwarrented distress caused me,but also by neglecting my rights. if any one can help me with this please e-mail: strader4@charter. or write: jeffrey strater 129 pleasant st. north hampton ma, 01060 apt.35 or 36. thanks