I have to agree 100% with the reviewers who said that the employees at North Tampa Photography are arrogant and talk down to their customers.
EVERY time I go in there the employees questions EVERY purchase I want to make. I've been a full time professional photojournalist for over 15 years. I KNOW WHAT I NEED more than some hack that works in a camera store and hangs out all day reading message board threads on Fredmrianda or other photography websites and blogs.
I have real world experience pal. If you ACTUALLY knew what you were talking about and were a halfway decent photographer rather than a camera store clerk with an attitude, then you'd be in the field actually making a living as a photographer and not a sales clerk.
I've got over $70K worth of equipment that I generally buy online because I CAN'T STAND the attitudes of the know-it-alls who work there. I like too spend my money locally, and I really don't mind paying a little more if it means I'm helping to keep a local shop in business, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I go in there they try to talk me out of what I know I need and they do it with this attitude like they're some sort of photography Gods.
News flash camera clerks!! I've never heard of you. My fellow professionals have never heard of you. You are a nobody in the photography world and really, your job is to ring up my purchase and leave me the hell alone. If I ask you for an item, and you have it, then grab it, walk to the register and start hitting buttons.
It's not only the fact that they question every purchase, but the WAY that they do it that is so disrespectful. Every time I go in there I walk out SWEARING I'll never go in there again, but then I end up needing a little widget or something and have to be exposed to their nonsenses again.
Pros: They have stuff
Cons: The clerks all think they're real photographers