I had a very good experience with a procedure called a spinal Epideral, where they inject corticoid steroid into the area of pain, which for me was sciatica. My fiancée and I were going to Italy and knew I would be walking a LOT. Or rather not walking unless I could do something about my pain. They were very professional, explained everything and I didn't have to have any drugs, just a local anesthesia. I was able to have a great vacation and when I came back started doing Pilates. By the time the steroid stopped working, my back was so much better from Pilates I couldn't believe it, and this is what the procedure did for me, gave me the time I needed without pain to get my back in shape again. I highly recommend this followed by Pilates or Yoga.
Also, check out other procedures these interventional doctors do, I had no idea how many non-surgical things can be done now!