North Shore Consultation Center is located in Northbrook, Illinois. We provide professional services to individual and couples through out the North Shore area.
We conduct evaluations of psychological, social-emotional, intellectual and educational functioning. We also provide comprehensive psychodiagnostic testing, including assessments for learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and developmental disorders. We work closely with the public and private school personnel and attend school meetings.
Our therapists are Sheldon Cotler, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Robert L. Davenport, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Jack Joseph, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Certified School Psychologist, Beth Ross, M.A. Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Karen Williamson, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist.
Our family practice specializes in:
• Child, adolescent, and family psychotherapy and assessment.
• Assessment Specialty
• Family and Marital Specialty
• Consultative Specialty
• Social- Emotional Specialty
• Behavior Specialty
Please give our office a call today.. |Psychoanalysis|Child Psychologists|Clinical Psychology