The Birth and Family Health Center offers clinical nurse midwifery services featuring the 'centering pregnancy' model. This empowering, preventative, and community-building program connects expectant mothers to community services, provides comprehensive prenatal checkups, and facilitates care into the hospital system for delivery. The program is offered in other sites, and is blended with WellSpace Health's service products including Home Visitation, 'Well Baby,' and Primary Care Services.
You greatly increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby by getting early and regular prenatal care. In addition to providing routine prenatal care, we offer the "Centering" model of care.
Centering is a model of group health care delivery that is changing how people think about their care. The model has three components: health care assessment, education, and support, provided in a group facilitated by a credentialed health provider. The program is designed to teach pregnant women how to monitor and care for their own health and that of their baby.