I contacted North Georgia Automotive from an ad on craigslist about getting my car fixed. We talked on the phone Friday September 25,2009 and arranged that my car would be picked up from the car dealership the next day. I was told that the tow would be there at 7:30am so I needed to get there first thing to pay for anything before they took the car at the time. I was told that if there were any concerns or change in plans that I could call because he keeps his phone at his hip. I called North Georgia Automotive that morning to tell them I would like to follow the tow truck to his shop to see where it is and see the tow company before letting my car be released from Toyota without me knowing exactly where it was going. He said ok and that now they would be there between 7:30 and 8pm. We waited until 8:20am and when they still weren’t there I started to get a bad feeling about the situation because I had been waiting for over an hour and I needed my car done as soon as possible and decided to let Toyota fix it since it was there. I continuously called before 8:30am to see if the truck was on its way because I wanted to cancel and not have North Georgia Automotive fix my car. No one would answer the phone and the voice mail box was full. My mom called from her phone and he called that number back and not me. My mom told him that we had been waiting for the tow. He lied and said it was there but she explained that we were still at the shop and that the tow truck was not there. Then he said,"" well I told her it could be 9:30 when the truck got there"", and that was a lie as well. I tried calling him to speak to him myself while my mother was trying to peacefully tell him to just cancel the tow. Then he started to use profanity towards us and referred to us as you people and called us the MF word over and over because we didn’t want to take our car to him. Then he called my phone harassing me and left 2 voicemail messages(which I have saved and am reporting for harassment) using profanity, saying he couldn’t believe the human beings we were, that I shouldn’t have God bless on my voicemail because we aren’t decent people and have no religion, that he was going to get us with a bill. He left two inappropriate messages and his anger was so scary that I am actually afraid that he has my address. I couldn’t believe that deciding to not have my work done by him and the tow company wasn’t even there, would lead to this. If there was an issue with calling the tow company to cancel that’s all he had to say. I should not be harassed with continuous phone calls and voicemails telling me off. They had not even seen or touched my car or me so what is the problem? I believed him when he said if there was a change I could just call and let him know, is he that desperate for business? I feel better knowing that I was able to see this was an unprofessional business before letting him touch my car. He said he was going to send me a tow bill but I don’t know if the tow company even left yet because of all the lies and profanity he said towards me and the tow company never came at the time I was told they would be there. He said it was against the law to cancel a tow request and that I have to pay for it. Well I called several tow companies and they said it was not and that if the car is not on your truck the customer does not have to pay anything unless they took a credit card upfront and explained the terms, looks like NorthGaAuto needs better business practices. By the way God Bless NorthGaAuto.
Cons: Will use profanity and tell you off