I want to take a moment to say how much I appreciate your good service and the way you extended terms to me on my unpaid balance. I was not expecting to go out side of my maximum budget expense for my most recent repairs. I am a pay as you go person with no credit cards.
As a father of 5 who just recently lost his job over health benefit costs. The job I was doing is no being done by a temp. worker so the employer can avoid health benefit expenses.
The additional expenses (now my outstanding balance with you) are a challenge right now (to say the least).
I was hoping to make payments every Friday yet my unemployment is every 2 weeks. The next funds I get will be this coming Friday 3/28/2014. I will be able to make a payment at that time. I am also looking for other options (something/anything I can sell.)
As I moved my car repair work over to you r company I appreciated your family friendly environment, still do.
I in NO WAY want to take advantage of that! I would of never accepted or expected an advance of services under my current circumstances. I will be doing my best to pay the unpaid portion off A.S.A.P.
With the hopes of continuing to get to the other work that needs to be done. Tune up etc.
See you Friday.
Dan Hooson 630 930 3371