I've bought a very nice and reasonably priced ESP with FREE Plek, an extremely nice used Ovation round back, capos, cases, and countless strings over the years. I've ALWAYS enjoyed the company of the boys who work at the store. They're extremely knowledgable and very excited about your business; however, today was the exception. I've just finished a very tedious restoration on a 1988 Randall RG100 and wanted to find a nice 4x12 that was compatible with it. I brought the head to the store to test drive some cabs with my equipment. I'm assuming the man behind the counter was the owner. He told me the salesman was on lunch. I told him I'm also on lunch and took time to drive there (without eating) to see what products they had, etc. He didn't even wanna let me over to where the cabs were. I'm thinking, "You've been in business for over 20 years and don't know how to sell an amp?" I finally get into the amp/cab room. I point to the Mesa 412 and I get informed that it's very expensive (I gu