Protect yourself and your assets with great insurance coverage Choose a dedicated insurance company that has been serving Staten Island for over 30 years. Let our experienced agents use their expertise and knowledge to help you find and choose the best plan for your needs. We have Homeowners Insurance, Flood Insurance, Auto Insurance and Commercial Insurance. Our expertise and knowledge lets you protect your home without breaking the bank. We have over 50 years of experience providing homeowners all over Staten Island with the right coverage for their property. We are also experts with our knowledge in helping you find the right coverage for your coastal property. Don't be caught without flood insurance! There are many areas of the island that are at heighten risk for flooding due to rain. A high amount of rain fall can happen at anytime throughout the year putting your property at risk. For better or for worse, Mother Nature does not always make the sun shine. Sometimes the rain will start to fall and won't stop until everything is floating away. Call our office today for a free instant quote, from our experienced agents who can help you!