OH my Gosh! When will this medical group find a solution to scheduling and ""working with the patient?"" Instead of a solution, I get attitude. I realize that Norco Medical Group has plenty of patience and loosing one or 50 makes no diffeence to them. Concern, caring has gone away completely. Working with patience is an inconvience. I am so sad at the attitude that I have to deal with when I need to see my doctor, when I can not make an appointment, when I have to fight through all the phone calls just to get to a scheduler who tells me to call the next day or there is no immediate space for me. Talking to others, I felt like I was complaining however, others have chimed in and feel exactly the same way I do. I felt relief because I was feeling so over whelmed dealing wih this medical group. I wanted to follow up with my hip and the chronic pain I seem to always be in. To bring this to a conclusion, I really feel that this group needs to consider the patient more, much more. If it requires spending more money for staff support or hiring more doctors for patient, doctor ratial then I would suggest strongly that this is what you would do. Dr. Minsinger has been very good to me as her patient however, if you run your doctors the way you care for your patience, I am terribly sorry for you as a non caring business man Dr. Nelson and a non caring doctor. The new health care for America is over do when this kind of treatment is being handed out.
Pros: If I have a problem that will wait for three weeks it is sup
Cons: If you have an immediate problem it is not supportive