Before a settlement can be reached with your insurance company, an accurate and comprehensive assessment of all losses must be prepared. The professional at the Norcia Insurance Consultants are skilled in preparing these involved claims in compliance with the policy and in the best interest of the policyholder (you). Our business is to assure you receive the full amount you are entitled to in accordance with policy terms.
* We work on your behalf with your interest in mind
* We save you time, agony and money
We have assisted home owners and businesses impacted by the tornados of St. Peter's, Rogers and Hugo Minnesota. We have also secured and helped clients through the likes of Hurricanes Andrew, Hugo, Francis, Ivan, Wilma and Ike. No matter what unfortunate, catastrophic event may have impacted you, we are here to serve you, the insured.
We specialize in obtaining the absolute maximum amount available from your residential or commercial property insurance claims! We level the playing field between you and your insurance carrier!
Loss Consultation:
* Before we start, we talk with you to evaluate the best course of action specific to your needs
Analysis of your Insurance Policy:
* We identify the types and extent of coverage your policy provides to maximize your claim payment
Damage Inventory and Estimate:
* We take a detailed inventory of your damaged property and items to assess their value
Replacement Analysis:
* We assess the cost of replacing your lost assets and determine how much of it is covered by your insurance policy
Rebuilding Estimates:
* We estimate the cost of rebuilding your home or business structure and determine how much of it may be covered by your insurance policy
Business Loss Assessment:
* For your business, we assess loss of assets, business and business opportunities
Data Compilation:
* We assemble all the data necessary to support your claim
Claim Support:
* We engage your insurer on your behalf to obtain the best possible claim payment for you
Claim Submission:
* We are familiar with all steps and forms which are necessary to submit the claim, and will complete this arduous task for you