"Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble."
$995.00 Cremations... No Hidden Fees. No Third-Party Crematories. Experience the Difference - We invite you to discover why Noble Cremations is the valued provider of Trusted, Affordable and Professional Cremation Services. There is No Cremation Service like Noble Cremations. None. With more than a 100 years of history in Funeral, Cemetery and Cremation Service, families come to us from all walks of life. But every family we serve comes to us because they know we are: Trusted Leaders in our profession, Dedicated to Excellence and Personal Service, and Committed to Integrity and Truly Care for the families we are honored to serve.. FULL SERVICE CREMATION - $995 No Hidden Fees; No Third-Party Crematories. Also Available Package Discounts for Traditional Service with Cremation; Memorial or Graveside Service with Cremation; Veteran Memorial and Cremation; Veteran Burial Service with Cremation; Traditional Funeral,Visitation and Graveside Services