When it comes to physical fitness I am used to being a lazy bum. I'll go to the gym a couple times a week for a month or so and then I'll get bored and lazy and lose motivation for months on end or I'll go crazy hardcore with a work out regime and get burned out before seeing real long-lasting results. Additionally, ever the frugal spender I've tended to steer clear of ""bootcamp"" and outdoor style fitness classes knowing that my laziness will likely result in missing classes I'd already paid for or just not being able to commit to anything more long term and demanding than a standard gym membership where I can come and go as I please and not really be accountable for myself. Enter No Gym Fitness. I got an email one day about a really great deal for the 30-day Shape Up Program and keeping in mind that there's a slinky bridesmaid dress in my near future I thought I'd give it a shot as it was definitely affordable.
Obviously, when I showed up at SMC for my first class I was a little intimidated and feared the worst when Thomas joked that everyone says they hate running but guess what? you're gonna be running! Don't be scared though. I used to not even be able to make it one lap around the track without being gassed and giving up but Thomas and Susy and the rest of the athletes in class got me so amped and motivated that I huffed and puffed my way through an entire mile non-stop in my first class. Consistency really is key as we run at least a mile in every class and now I can do it no problem. Bring it on, give me more! Not once have we ever done the same class as Thomas makes sure to change things up and make modifications based on where you are in your path to physical fitness. I'm not gonna lie though my muscles were screaming at me for the first week of classes. The workouts are intense (I burned about 550 calories this week in each class!) and will totally whip your butt in to shape. There's a nice mix of cardio, stairs, hills, crunches, pushups, resistance bands, drills, sprints, and a myriad of other booty kicking elements.
I'm nearing the end up my 30-days and I have not missed a single class going 4 times every week! I was never even a morning person before and most week days found myself barely rolling out of bed at 7:30am to make it to work by 8 but now I look forward to my 6:30am butt kicking sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 9am on the weekends. It sounds a little lame but it has been totally life changing! I get up, get it done and then have the rest of the day feeling energized, strong and happy. I'm even nice to annoying people at work on days I've been to class! After 30 days I am noticeably stronger, increasing my running speed, getting really nice definition in my thighs and especially in my arms (whoo hoo!), and am well on my way to rocking the hell out of that bridesmaid dress. I am officially addicted to No Gym Fitness and am going to keep coming back for more month after month.
Pros: fast results, fun, addicting, intense
Cons: couldn't get out of bed the next day bc of sore muscles!