my family and i recently went to eat at nino's pasta and pizza in arlington. the food was okay and the service was poor. as i went to pay there was no one at the register so i took a peak in the kitchen and saw a man on the floor that looked like osama bin laden who appeared to be praying on a pizza box dressed in a white gown. a cook was in the back spreading butter on the garlic bread with his bare hands-no gloves while wiping sweat from his forehead. i stood there for about 10 minutes while the entire staff, excluding the waitress who went out for a smoke, prayed on the same pizza box. they then put the pizza box in the stack with the rest so someone's fresh piping hot pizza can lay on dirty cardboard that bare feet have been on. all of the praying employees washed their feet in the sink letting the filthy foot water run over a bowl of fresh lettuce. i was so disgusted that i went home and reported them to the arlington health inspector. please do not eat here. i did some research and found out that they are not italian like they say they are, but they are muslim and from albania and pakistan. thats why they were praying and refused to wait on their customers.
Pros: decent tasting food
Cons: is praying barefoot on pizza boxes the resusing them enough?