I went to Dr. Nielsen for a few years. I was never overly impressed, but didn't exactly DISlike him until my last visit. He had some woman with him in training? who was very rude and gave a painful examination. I did not appreciate it since I was there to see HIM and not be practice for a trainee. He was also very rudely dismissive about concerns I had about sudden weight gain. He just asked if I ate bread and potatoes. And said the Depo would make you "blow up" but not the pill... How comforting! (Note sarcasm)
Not much later I lost my insurance and had to go to a Planned Parenthood. I had gained even more without explanation and the Nurse Practioner told me it was from another medication I was on, something that NO one else even considered! Dr. Nielsen also had me on a form of the pill that had way to much estrogen in it for a smoker. I could have gotten a blood clot much more easily and died!