I moved to New York a few months ago and have since been craving the bread from Niedlovs. It was the only bread I bought when I lived in Chattanooga. It is also one of the things I miss most. Crazy, huh? After all, it's just bread. Right? ... My best friend sent me a package for my birthday. Knowing me, one of the things she included was a loaf of Niedlovs. It was probably the most exciting birthday present I received. That's how much I love their bread. \r
Warning: this is not Weber's. This is dyed in the wool, artisan bread. Ingredients for all loaves: flour, water, salt. No sugar, no yeast. True bread that our great-great grandmothers used to make which has since gone the way of large factories pumping what used to be wheat full of preservatives. This is the real deal, folks! It is flavorful and delicious. You who are lucky enough to live near enough to buy Niedlovs, please do so.