This is definitely the place to go if you have lots of cash to burn and also don't mind sampling some of the finer elements of dining such as exotic vermin in your dishes. I know that show Survivor was popular a few years ago, but I did not ask for a cockroach carcass in my meal. This is completely unacceptable. As if that wasn't enough, the soda was flat, and the bathroom was a mess. Toilet paper all over with feces smeared over the toilet seat. I understand it was Friday evening and they are probably busy, but this is disgusting. The restaurant is super narrow and cramped, and we couldn't even get past the bar to the host stand, it was so squished. I read another reviewer who mentioned how none of the servers know about Scotch. I found this to be true also. I've been drinking Scotch for 25 years and what some of these kids were saying was absolute b.s. It was like they memorized a line about a few scotches and called it a day. And yes I also agree with the other reviewer about how the staff seemed sterile and dead. I never saw a single waiter smile. Not once. And that tells you something. As for the bartenders, it was hard to tell whether they hated their job or their life worse.
An overall horrendous experience and needless to say, we won't spending our time or money at this ""restaurant"", and you would do well to follow suit.