purchased a 2006 f150 and everything seemed great. Got it home and the next day noticed my two front tires were almost flat. I took it to belle tire thinking it needed valve stems replaced. Found out that on the front two wheels the inside of the rims were corroded and falling apart (there are actual pinholes all the way through to the inside of the tire. I called Len at newcomb and told me to take it to Belle tire in Auburn hills and see Rex ( does tires for them apparently). I took it there and they looked at it and said it needed new rims and would contact Len. A week went buy and no word. I called Len and he stated they told him it was a dealer warranty item. I took it to the dealer and it was past 3 yr 36000 warranty. I called Len back and told him that and he told me to send a pic of the style wheel and he would order them. Two weeks later and never heard back. With an existing problem like that they would have had to add air to the tires daily on their lot, but sold the car anyway without disclosing. They never contact you back and blow you off. DO NOT BUY FROM THERE!! Im sure they made a ton on the truck they sold me but cant spend $400 on replacement wheels. But I bought a toshiba tv for 1100 and they replaced the lcd panel which cost more than the tv within 3 days. Go figure