The comments made by one Dr. Mario Santos at this meeting were totally outrageous. And to think he calls himself a principle. I want this statement made public and I am sure many parents from this area that statement was made about will agree that Dr. Mario Santos needs to be stripped of his rights to deal with any students in any way shape from or fashion the statement reads.......Dr. Santos stated that the Police Director and the business people on Ferry Street are blaming East Side students for the problems they are having but a lot of Out of District students are not the problem. The Administration is looking at students who failed and if they are Out of District, we will provide interventions - Twilight Program or transferred back to their old school. Every student has to be saved. Every student had to get a transfer from SLT II even if they are Out of District. We must accept all students. Ms. Vieira stated that two Catholic Schools closed and their students were sent here. Mr. Pollock stated that the number of students has to be manageable. DR. SANTOS THEN STATED SOUTH STREET PROJECTS AND HAWKINS STREET PROJECTS STUDENTS ARE THE PROBLEM CHILDREN. THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO BEHAVE. What gives Dr. Santos a right to make such a statement and then try to apologize later. This statement was down right absurd. No child should be judged according to where he lives at or goes to school at. I happen to know first hand that their has been and still continues to be some elementary graduates and high school graduates from these areas that are doing very well for themselves. Who the hell does Dr. Santos think he is. Pissed off mother of 5. One of which happens to be a Hawkins street school graduate and is presently doing her second year of college at Farleigh Dickerson University majoring in Sociology.