New Trend Cellular is an authorized agent of U.S. Cellular with 5 locations in Northern California. Locally owned by Bill and Anne from Ukiah, New Trend Cellular is currently a 5 location business acting as an authorized agent for U.S.Cellular, a small corporation in comparison to the other wireless providers out there that strives to do things differently than its much larger, less personable competitors. Focused on the customers experience and how we can best benefit them as opposed to other m...ore common methods found out there. We here at New Trend are all local people who love and believe in our communities, in the people that live and work in them and in maintaining that hometown, personal, first name basis type of interaction while still being able to provide you the very best and latest in wireless technology.. Cellular telephones and accessories. Wi-Fi hotspots. Wireless modems. Tablets. and all the goodies to go along with them.