We will protect and cover your plumbing fixtures, floors and other areas. The old surface is treated, if necessary stripped. Scratches, chips and damaged area are to be repaired and sanded, leaving them very smooth. Then we apply a strong primer to make the final surface durable. This won't let the final material wear out prematurely. Finally, several layers of our high resistance to mildew and lead free special material is applied.
Re-glazing is the best way to remodel your bathroom! You don't have to replace tiles, sinks, tubs.
You can choose your favorite color from a full variety of American Standard Colors or from our color collection chart.
* Reasonable Rates
* Free Estimates
* All Jobs Guaranteed. * Acrylic & Cast-iron
* Color Matching
* Fiber Glass
* Jacuzzis
* Re-glazing
* Repair
* Resurfacing
* Sinks
* Tiles
* Tubs
* Wall & Shower Stalls
You Can Choose From:
* Almond
* Antique Red
* Beige
* Biscuit
* Black
* Bone
* Coal Black
* Desert Bloom
* Dresden Blue
* Faun
* Foam Green
* French Vanilla
* GE Almond
* Heather
* Ice Gray
* Innocent Blush
* Kohler Almond
* Lilac
* Linen
* Peach Blossom
* Pink Champagne
* Rain Forest
* Reasonable Rates
* Ruby Red
* Sea Green
* Shell Pink
* Sterling Silver
* Sunrise Yellow
* Tender Gray
* Warm White
* White and Many More