I'm generally a fan of New Seasons, I've been to 5 of their stores and have almost always had good experiences, BUT... Happy Valley's employees desperately need an attitude check.
The meat dept. is the worst, most of the guys back there are disrespectful (to the customer's faces), sloooow, and think that it's charming to gloat about getting the weight of the meat close to what you ask for. It's not charming, it's your job.
However, I wouldn't be driven to write this review if the aforementioned was the only problem I had with them. So, here's the clincher: I recently ordered some meat and the meat guy used his bare hands to retrieve it from the cooler... then he touched his nose, then he touched the scale, then he touched the meat again, then he touched a different kind of meat, his dirty apron, the scale, etc, etc, etc. That ain't right. Rudeness I'll take but please don't handle my meat with your dirty hands.
To be fair, Happy Valley isn't all bad - there are many other things that commend this store; an excellent produce section, an incredibly diverse deli, a lovely bakery, and large selection of canned/prepared foods.
If the manager reads this (or anyone else who cares) the meat guy's name was Mark.