Wow! Where do I start? I was what most people in the field considered a chronic alcoholic, a hard case. Years of counseling, physiologic help, medications, etc. and I was still in a suicidal state. Nothing had helped. After 12 rehabs, I found New Life Lodge.
Any person with an addiction has a incurable disease that they are born with. Not all with the gene for addiction, become addicts. Environmental factors, circumstances, mental disorders, past trauma, etc. can all lead many to find relief in one form or another. AA started years ago to help alcoholics. Today, there are many groups to help people with ALL types addiction, not just alcohol.
I felt I needed to explain a little about the other factors that feed the addiction process because it has a lot to do with my usage. I had a bunch of issues do to events that have happened in my life. I was in mental turmoil! And I used to feel better, block the past out. And it worked great for a while until, it bypassed feeling good and having a good time, and wound up being a daily need. An obsession and a physical need so great it took over my life.
New Life Lodge not only addressed my addiction, they addressed the root cause, my disease and the reasons why I started in the first place. Don't get me wrong, the other rehabs realized what my problem was, it is a proven fact in the mental health field. New Life Lodge had the classes, groups, alternative therapy that worked with the mind and body, and some of the best techs & counselors I have EVER met. All that and the wonderful atmosphere, being able to be outside instead of inside 24/7, animal therapy, no cameras following your every move, great sleeping/living quarters, good food, & unconditional love helped to break down the wall I had up. I felt so much love and understanding there. When I return on Friday nights for the alumni meeting, the feeling is still there. My home away from home, my family. I am alive and sober today, living life instead of looking to die. It really was my lucky #13!