Are you starving college student with limited funds? Looking for a great place to get together with your friends for a good meal? Then this Indian restaurant is the place for you. Though their regular prices are off the wall (easily 25-30 per person), their brunch for students is incredibly inexpensive (approximately 7 dollars a person). In this brunch, you get an all you can eat buffet that usually includes three meats, four vegetables dishes, their YUMMY rice, their bread and those potato pastries that are to die for. You also get an all you can eat salad bar and at the end of the meal, you get your choice of dessert AND either coffee or tea. For that price, you can't beat this brunch.
Beware though, this spot is VERY popular on Saturday and Sunday mornings, so come early and be prepared to wait. Their servers don't like to give the dessert up easily, so be prepared to ask and make sure you get the STUDENT DISCOUNT (otherwise, they'll charge you the full price for the meal).
As a stand-alone restaurant, the food at New Delhi is great but certainly not worth it for the exhuberant prices they charge.