Went To this church for about 4 years when I was in my teens. Came back about 9 yrs ago after college and have been there ever since. Congregation is about 400-500 regular attendees, split between Sunday morning & Saturday evening services. Worship is contemporary, with a love for old hymns thrown in here & there. Charismatic worship, including dance, is encouraged - kids love to get up front with streamers and scarves.
Atmosphere is very family oriented, w/the ''under 20'' being the largest age group. Strong pastoral team (including new pastor whose focus is to continue the vision of local missions & getting the congregation involved in reaching out to the community), visible elders, & a solid mission board that focuses on both short and long term mission work (went on a short-term mission myself, earlier this year). Strong Sunday school program. The Youth Group serves many teens from the community who don't come to this (or any) church.
The ALPHA program is a group led at different times of the year that provides a place for people who have questions about Christianity to come & ask them in a non-threatening environment. The MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) program is also a great way for moms to interact - I know my sister has loved it! The Women's Ministry is a strong one, along with a renewed Young Adult Group, the Men's Ministry, Prison Ministry, etc.
Some of the things I like best about this church is their love for the pastoral staff. I've been in churches where the pastor was picked apart by the congregation and I never liked that. There is also a rich history b/c many of the young parents in the church now were themselves raised at New Covenant. Too, there is a continual call for people to grow in their walk with the Lord and implement the teachings in real world ways (seems basic, but sometimes it's hard to find) The church's motto is: ''People called to know Jesus and make Him known''. Check out the website to get a better feel: www.nc4.org. Hope that helps!