New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, headed by Rev. Dr. Keith L. Winfield, holds Sunday Worship Services at 10:45 am.
In addition to Sunday Worship, get involved in Sunday School classes weekly at 9:15 am, and Prayer Service/ Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Our message is to teach the Bible.
From the Pastor
To My Church Family:
As we continue this journey, my prayers are that we will all grow stronger and closer in a way that is pleasing to God. Let us be triumphant in our stance for the uplifting of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. May we be examples to the lost of what a Christian truly is; let us cause an uprising of believers to stand firm with us proclaiming the matchless, majestic miracle working name of Jesus as Savior and King.
Blessed in the Lord,
Rev. Dr Keith L. Winfield
Bibles|Prayer Services