*Nemec Heating & Supply Company has been a building and supply wholesaler, in the Indianapolis and surrounding area since 1941
*We are now online and nationwide
*We are pleased to announce the Der Renner copper Gutter System and Freund Tools to our product lineup
*Please feel free to browse our website or contact us by phone
*Copper Chimney Pots
*Copper Gutters
*Galvanized Gutters
*Copper Sheet
*Painted Metal
*Galvanized Sheet
*Heating & Cooling
*B Vent (Gas)
*Sheet Metal Tools
*Sheet Metal Brakes
*Contact our sister company Circle City Copperworks (317) 635-5880 for our range hoods, copper sinks, copper finials and spires, copper cupolas and copper restoration
*Circle City Copperworks uses many techniques that go back to the late 1800's
*Many of our tools are of that period, as well