We know there are other funeral homes in the Provo and Orem area to choose from. But we also know that families who turn to us during a time of loss, or for pre-arrangement services experience a higher standard of service and facilities. These standards include transparency in business practices and service pricing, as well as:
* Providing families with well-planned funeral arrangements in their time of need.
* Providing comfortable, soothing surroundings where families and friends can gather to remember and celebrate the life of a loved one.
* Helping families in our community to preserve longstanding traditions and customs.
* Offering innovative, truly personalized funeral home services and products.
* Assisting families and individuals making their pre-need plans.
* Reaching out to the greater community with educational seminars and grief support programs.
We offer professional guidance and personal and specialized attention before, during and after the loss of a loved one. Our reputation for honesty and integrity is very well-known, and it is our most valuable asset.
* Traditional Funerals
* Personalized Funerals
* Memorial Services and Graveside Ceremonies
* Various Cremation Service Options
* Veterans' Funeral Services
We encourage you to contact us to discuss your family's unique needs. Each of us is confident that we can, and will, do our utmost to meet ? and exceed ? your expectations.. Funeral services,Caskets,Vaults,Cremation Urns,Cremations,Memorial Products,Embalming Services,Grief Support,etc. Nelson Family Mortuary services the entire state of Utah specifically Provo and Orem area.