The first thing you notice about the place is how it doesn't look very clean or well kept. But I've been into similar looking places and had great experiences so that didn't throw me too much. After walking in I was greeted rather gruffly. When they finally decided who was going to do my manicure and where they wanted to sit me the girl didn't even ask me how I wanted my nails or if the length was ok she just grabbed the file and went right to it. I managed to get my hand back in time to let her know that the shape and length were pretty much ok, thanks. When it came time to wash my hands the sink was clean but I noticed there was only one nail brush for all to use and no cleaning solution to soak it in. The painting of my nails was a disaster too. The color isn't even (I have giant spots where the second coat wasn't placed on at all and a few spots where the color got pushed around) and neither is the top coat. Consequently I have two chips after one day.\r
All in all I definitely will not be going back.